Federal Statistical Office of Germany Producer Prices March 2022 #30.9 % up against March 2021
Producer Price Index (domestic), March 2022 +30.9 % against same month a year ago and up +4.9 % against the previous month. The economic scenario is happening exactly as predicted by Michael Hudson only recently.
WIESBADEN – In March 2022, the index of producer prices (Erzeugerpreise) for industrial products increased by 30.9% compared with March 2021. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office this was the highest increase ever compared to the corresponding month of the preceding year. In February 2022 the index had increased by 25.9% and in January by 25.0%. Compared with the preceding month February 2022 the overall index rose by 4.9% in March 2022.
In his analysis, Michael Hudson had only recently predicted this economic scenario based on US policy backgrounds:
It appears that the exact scenario is now coming true.
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